Monday, June 27, 2011


Well, it is definitely a lot slower going than I thought it would be... However, I am definitely loving it!!! My original plan was to do the second layer of flowers/ swirls in cream.... But, I am a firm believer that a canvas has an opinion and will tell you what it likes!!! And this one wasn't liking my idea.... So we came to an understanding.... Black it is!!!;-)

I'm only a third thru with the black.... But thought you all may want to see it!!
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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Making progress....

Ok, as I promised, here is another step..... After I sketched out the first part... I started painting..... I did not think I would get this far last night, but sometimes when I get started, I just can't put the brush down... So, here it is... I have lots of touch-ups, but those will come.....

All that was last night... Tonight I started drawing the second layer which will be done in an off white color... In my head it looks amazing..... I just hope it turns out at least half that great!!;-))
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Saturday, June 18, 2011


Ok, sorry for the long delay.... I have just been so busy with projects lately.... So here is the long awaited next step in my oversized project!!!!

This is my inspiration for the painting.... So my next step is now trying to recreate this!!! Very fun, but time consuming....

So.... This is step one in recreating it .... My rough draft...... But since it will be multi-dimensional, I think this will get very interesting before I finish it!!!!

Now.... Here is some of what has been pre-occupying me......

Some letters for my little man.... We will hang these then add a custom frame with similar distressing to create a large 3D art piece for his room.... I'll post a final pict soon!!!!

This is a chore chart for our very good friends and their sweet lil' one (Christian's g-friend!! :-p )

And sorry for the shadow, I took it early in am before we left for Dallas!

Ok, I promise to update more often now!!! I am working up ideas for our prize winner, so that project will come to life soon!!! And as always, Picts to follow!!!:-))
Now, off to start painting...
Take care all, and happy father's day to all you Dad's out there!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Drum Roll Please.........

We had a grand total of 14 people sign up to follow our blog!!! We are so thankful and excited that you all participated!!!! And as a little bonus, you all will be a winner!!! We are offering a 20% discount to each of you for your first order!!! But with our futher delay.........The winner is.....
Chris Waits!!!!
Yay and I will post Picts of her finished product as soon as I can!!!! Thank you all!!!!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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Sunday, June 5, 2011

A couple of 1st......

This post marks a couple of "firsts" for us!!!!

The first......
this is the official first (of hopefully many) posts from my iPad!!! Assuming this works out well, especially since I just got suckered into the $2.99 app to do this post(haha), I will be able to post things more often and see everyone's comments a lot easier!!!!!

And 2nd......
I am starting the largest painting project I have done. As such, I thought I would share this awesome occasion with everyone along the way!!!

Here is the first step of the "rough-in" as I call it....

This is a 36x48 canvas......I'm actually a little scared, at this point, of it's size, lol!!!! Especially since every canvas has an personality and opinion of it's own!!! Hopefully this one is a bit mild and likes my ideas!!!!! We shall see......

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